The 'Law of Success' is advertised as a free download in google but I was excited to find a first edition for $3.00 at a garage sale.
Self help books have been around for years and from my studies I have found they all pretty much say the same thing only a different way. Some say the bible was the first. In the search for self improvement one may be looking for an instruction manual that does not exsist. The knowledge is already in our posession our only failure is due to lack of action and poor decisions.
J.H.Kelly makes a very valid point in his introduction so I will quote.
'A much larger book could upon the suggestions of the author, have been written, and the sayings of noted men could have been given by the page, but such a book is more for interesting reading than for close study. The student is requested to bear this constantly in mind while studying this book.
It will be observed from the very first that the book consists of a statement of facts, and not a statement of what to do.
(now this is the part I like)
A study of facts will enable one of ordinary intelligence to decide upon the course of action.
If a reader decides for himself what he shall do, he is acting upon his own decisions, and will be enabled to intelligently follow out his course of action, but if he is acting upon the suggestions of the author, he is attempting to carry out someone else's plans and not his own. No man ever became truly successful by carrying out another man's ideas.
With the assertion that anyone can succeed in this if he will but try, and that what one has done another can do, the author leaves the student to the work before him.'
Nevada, Mo., Feb 1 1900 J.H.Kelly
In the conclusion he writes:
'Reader, do not delay, but begin at once to demonstrate these teachings.
Do not wait until to-moorrow, but begin to-day. the only time you really have at your disposal is the present moment.'
He talks about the Law of Physics and I agree. Action creates emotion. The foundation for anyones success is when you find that you can rely on yourself. Now go out and sieze this very minute!